Our Mission Statement

We are an active globally-minded group from Remuera Intermediate School that are concerned about the important issues of today. We align ourselves with the values program of our school and endeavour to make a difference to our school and our community. We will organise special days throughout the year to build awareness of global issues such as the environment and peace. We will concentrate on service and being of benefit to others. Our time to change the world is at our Monday lunchtime meetings with Mr Zemke.

Everyone is welcome to ask us for advice, make positive comments or suggestions to help us improve.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

March Update

Social Change-Up Group's March Update


  1. Members of the Social change-up club you rock - lovely presentation at the assembly. Good work!!!

  2. The mere fact we have this event is racist in itself. If you were really striving for racial equality then you would just be quiet and let society do it by itself, as it has since people were discriminating against them to the highest degree.

    I support the social change-up club, but bringing all this attention to it isn't really gonna help. People are gonna find an Asian and just be really noticeably nice to them, which would be a tad suspicious.

    1. Thank you for comments TehTrollBoss.
      We are aware of what you have commented on our poster.
      some of us have agreed with your comments but what we are trying to do is remind people to act the same as us people do without looking at our skin colour.
      If you want to know more about it, you are welcome to contact us or comment again on our blog.
      Social Change Up.
